06 Jul 2005
Implementing the ASP.NET GUI designer with Mozilla’s
Gecko web rendering engine is an obvious decision: it’s open-source, has strong
standards support and a large feature set, is highly extensible and flexible
thanks to its XPCOM component system, and using Gecko# it can be embedded in a
GTK# GUI. Mozilla is becoming an application platform, with XUL for
declaratively writting GUIs, and JavaScript for program logic.
More …
28 Jun 2005
Hello everyone! (waves to as-yet nonexistent audience)
I finally bring to you some useful content in my blog. I have been accepted onto
Google’s Summer of Code and will be
working with the Mono Project to bring you a
user-friendly graphical designer for ASP.NET, which will be integrated into the
MonoDevelop IDE.
I will be chronicling any interesting developments right here for your amusement
and gratification. Stay tuned!
25 May 2005
Three months since I last posted on this site, and all of those early posts were
just about setting the site up. Seems lie the site’s a bit pointless, really.
Not that I’ve been sitting idle; I’ve been snowed under with academic work. I’ll
get something interesting up here eventually, I promise.
For now, let it be known that I am procrastinating my exam revision by upgrading
the site to Drupal 4.6.
04 Feb 2005
The site’s only been up for five days and I’m already getting referrer spam. No
comment spam yet, but I’ll probably disable comments and trackbacks until I have
some interesting stuff up, and sort it out then.
More …
02 Feb 2005
I couldn’t find a Drupal module to syntax highlight C# code, so I made one. I’m
using the Generic Syntax Highlighter, GeSHi, to
drive a filter loosely based on the
codefilter module. While doing this, I
discovered Nonstop Bits’ Nonstop
HiLighter module, which highlight many
more languages, but I think GeSHi produces prettier output colours :). The next
version will be supporting mixed-language files, such as PHP, CSS and JavaScript
in XHTML, which looks
It’s also very configurable and can output line numbers and XHTML Strict/CSS
code, and it wouldn’t be hard to add options to the filter to turn these options
More …
31 Jan 2005
I wasn’t quite as far as I thought I was.
There were still a few PostgreSQL bugs in Drupal that I had to fix before
getting on with theming the site. This turned out to be too big a task for an
evening so I modified the Drupal port of
Michael Heilemann’s Kubrick theme, changing
the title picture (anyone recogise the mountain?) and the footer, hacking the
template so that the sidebar vanishes if it has no content, and making a few
other tweaks. Personally I still have my reservations about a fixed-width layout
like this - even though it’s very pretty - so when I have time I’ll fix it up
to use relative units.
More …
30 Jan 2005
Computer role playing games (RPGs) are a very popular form of entertainment.
They allow the player to assume a new character in a different world, and either
may be as far from reality as desired. The game is much like a book, except that
the player is the main character, and often can influence what
More …
30 Jan 2005
I’ve been wondering for literally months how to set up this site. I almost went
with a custom coded solution but Drupal’s logging and
modular ‘plug-in features’ were ultimately too alluring. The critical question,
as always - what would be the best layout? Which modules to use to categorise
and display my projects? How do I make all these features work
More …