ASP.NET Completion and MonoDevelop Debugger Packages

All the basic ASP.NET code completion features I wanted to get into MonoDevelop are now essentially complete and working with the new code completion database subsystem that Mike Kruger has written to replace our old one. It handles controls, directives and HTML, all of their attributes, and some attribute values, including some colourful and time-saving examples. I’ve been migrating code “downwards” into HTML and XML completion editor extension, and I’ll write another day about how this works and how it’ll make good XAML and XML completion easier in the future.

I couldn’t wait to get these features out to users (so you can start giving me bug reports!), and I think that the C# code completion has stabilised sufficiently after Mike’s changes, so I started updating my MonoDevelop trunk builds again. You’ll also be able to try out the text editor and C# completion improvements, your MSBuild project files will be more compatible with VS, and you can play with my vi modes.

The biggest news is that the Mono debugger is officially supported with the recent Mono 2.0 release, so I added MonoDevelop debugger packages for MDB and also for GDB, so you can try the fruits of Lluis’ fantastic debugger work. As a bonus, I also created monodevelop-python packages for Christian Hergert’s Python addin, and monodevelop-vala packages for the Vala binding that Levi Bard contributed.

I’m taking a short break this weekend to see the fall leaves, and after that I’ll be attacking the bug queue and taking a look either at per-project text editor settings, or maybe bringing the Moonlight support in MD back up to speed.